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  • Writer's pictureJulie de Visser

What's in a Website?

With so many DIY website's around today, it's easy to get yourself online. But how easy is it to get a really super website? We take a look at some of the things you'll have to be great at (or master in a hurry) to make your website not only look good, but actually work.

Design: This is the pretty stuff. Great photos, the right type of fonts and font sizes, colour and balance on the page. Some people have a natural eye for design... and some don't.

Copy: You will need to write engaging 'sales speak' in your customer's style of speaking on your website. You will also need good writing skills (spelling, punctuation etc). Your customers don't just want the features and benefits of your products or services. Remember, 'sell the sizzle, not just the sausage'.

Photos: This is harder than you think. Sometimes, it pays to get a professional photographer to get a portfolio together for you. The photos can also be used on your social media platforms. Don't forget the Alt Text on your web photos.

SEO: Search Engine Optimisation - you will need to know your target market and then know how to tie that back into your copy and also into the SEO on your website. Keyword finders can also help. Good SEO really requires an understanding of marketing.

Device Optimisation: Most people are using their mobile devices to look at your website. Optimising your site for desktop, tablet and mobile is a must.

Apps: Web builders like Wix, come with free aps. These also need to be optimised.

Information Websites: If you aren't selling products online, then you are selling your services and providing information about your business. Make sure your potential clients understand what you offer and how to contact you easily.

Online Shopping: There are so many options these days for customers, you will need different payment options, afterpay and maybe dropshipping. You will need to know all the postage rates for all your products. You will have to decide whether you will sell locally, nationally or globally. You will need photos of the products and descriptions, plus any care or other info.

Building a great website is a collaboration with You the business owner, who is an expert in your chosen business/field and with your web designer, who is an expert in theirs. It takes some time to get all the info and photos together, especially for online shops, but the reward of seeing your business online makes it all worth it.

Finally, websites aren't launch and forget, they should be dynamic. Keep products and photo galleries up to date. Watch your analytics and tweak your site as required.

Remember, your website is only one tool in your tool kit. At the end of the day, do what you do well in your core business, look after your customers and it will all come together. Life is a journey not a destination.

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